Tuesday, February 25, 2020

George Mason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

George Mason - Essay Example judge and statesman, a leader in the cause of American rights in opposition to British tyranny, author â€Å"Fairfax Resolves,† (1774), active in work leading up to 1787 Convention which framed U.S. Constitution. He has also been remarkable as he â€Å"did not sign Constitution and opposed ratification due to fear of inadequate limits on Federal power to prevent its becoming tyrannical; urged addition of â€Å"Bill of Rights;† was one of principal slave-owners (including Washington and Jefferson) who deplored existence of slavery and favored abolition, with compensation by government to owners of freed slaves.† (Mason). All these aspects of this great leader were, it seems, not enough to earn him a more respectable position in the pages of American history. A profound analysis of the life and works of Mason makes one recognize the impact of a true social and political leader upon the future of a great nation and this will also indicate the need for reserving a prime position to this influential leader in the unoccupied areas of American history. In this paper, an overview of this great American leader who, all through his life was steered by his belief in the rule of reason as well as in the essentiality of the natural rights of every man is undertaken. This has been significant an attempt in appreciating the natural leadership of Mason in the political and social aspects and recommends for a greater position for him in the American history. It is essential to have a basic awareness about the biography of Mason in order to appreciate the true leadership traits in his character. Thus, it can be seen that George Mason was born at the Mason family plantation at Fairfax Country in Virginia, to George and Ann Thomson Mason in the year 1725. After the death of his father when he was only 10 he was brought up by his uncle, John Mercer and soon he established himself as one of the important figures in his community. Mason married Anne Eilbeck in 1750 and had five children

Sunday, February 9, 2020

English lit, fiction short story Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English lit, fiction short story - Assignment Example That is why short stories are appealing to the audience and people appreciate reading it. The text under consideration is â€Å"A Sound of Thunder†, written by Ray Bradbury. Story depicts a strange adventure of wealthy businessmen who intend to accomplish a time travel to the past for hunting dinosaurs. The theme of the story states the idea that everything is interconnected in this world, and even the smallest changes in the past may lead to unpredictable implications in the future. The author succeeds in elucidating the central message curiously and figuratively. The plot of the story reveals events chronologically, as the heroes’ adventure shown logically from its beginning to the end in the story. The story occurs in 2055 year, but it contains time travel to the past. Ray Bradbury provides a play with the time continuum in this fiction work. He writes â€Å"First a day and then a night and then a day and then a night, then it was day-night-day-night. A week, a month, a year, a decade! A.D. 2055. A.D. 2019. 1999! 1957! Gone...The Machine howled. Time was a film run backward. Suns fled and ten million moons fled after them† (Bradbury, n.p.). Such game with the temporal dimensions makes a story interesting and catches the reader’s attention. What is more, the plot of the story is rather unpredictable as we start to read and cannot predict what is going to happen next. As for the characters we may view them as a usual people in an unusual environment. The protagonist of the story, Eckels, considers himself a stubborn hunter and wants to shoot a dinosaur. He is confident, successful man with significant perspectives and skeptically relates to the directing rules of the maintainers and hardly believes that one small move can fundamentally transform the future. And the time when Travis tells him about the accidental killing of one mouse he replies: â€Å"So theyre dead†¦So what?† (Bradbury, n.p.). Still, his opinion